OnGuard Integration

{{ user }}
{{ message_text }}


Bearer token

Enter this auth token into your OnGuard app.


Tailgating Notifications

Optionally receive notifications from Camio when tailgating occurs.

Email Lookup

Badge Information

Optionally import a CSV file that maps each OnGuard badge_id to the badge holder's email address to send email notifications to those involved in the tailgating incident.

Displaying {{ badges.length }} of {{ totalBadgeCount }} badges.
Retrieved {{ badges.length }} badges.
No badges found.
Imported Badges {{ badges.length }}
# Badge ID Email
{{ ((selectedBadgePage - 1) * badgesPageSize) + index }} {{ badge.badge_id }} {{ }}

OnGuard Server

Server Name

Associate your OnGuard integration with a specific OnGuard server registered to your domain.


Select the doors within view of each camera.

Loading cameras...