
{{ account_email }}

Perform an action whenever Events match a query.
  1. Create a query just like you would a search, or choose from one of your pinned searches
  2. Add actions from our list of predefined types
  3. Rates make the pricing of these actions flexible - simply add 'every x minutes' to your query
View the results of your triggers as searchable results, annotations and as various dashboards.
{{ message_text }}
Selected actions.
Available actions.
This trigger already exists, saving will update this trigger.
Query Actions Last Trigger Date Edit Delete
{{ query.user }} {{ query.text_without_user }} {{ query.text }}
  • {{ action.type }}

Error: Query with no actions.

always triggered
{{ getDateFromString(latest_trigger_times_map[queryId]) }}
not yet triggered
Last updated {{ getDateFromString(trigger_queries_map.date_updated) }}
Delete All